Newsletter #44


Winter projects

SLEC 1:8 scale Fairey Marine Huntress

Two of these are being built this winter: one by Philip, one by Colin 

Pre-cut parts

to form the keel


it is very important to build a boat stand early on

Add the bulkheads

onto the flat deck

Sheeting the hull sides

and hull bottom skins

Forms a nice shape hull. Original hull was designed for racing by American 'Ray' Hunt

Parts slot into place for accurate alignment

Adding the spray rails

then the deck veneer

double curvature cabin roof has to be planked

Huntsman 31 re-build 

1:8 Precedent Fairey Marine Huntsman kit. Hull built by Chris Jenner.... be modified to be the 1972 racing boat 'Double Century' by John K

Chris had done a good job of the flared bow

but the spary rails on Double Century (and Fordsport) aren't like that

It seemed a shame, but off they came!

a splash of white paint so I could draw guide lines and the new rails are added

Then there was the hull sides to make concave (picture of Fordsport)

A new stringer inside and the sides re-fitted 

Bottom: A printed photo of a 31's cabin windows

Middle: My 3D printed frames from that photo

Top: The widow fames supplied in the kit

Spot the difference!


A wooden hull NORDIC kit

being built by Albert 


The planked hull version of this very impressive model

Not a kit for beginner!

Lots of parts but great photo building plans


An original Aerokits SEA QUEEN refurbishment

Andrew E

Model Boats magazine advert for the original, praising its racing capability!

(pairs racing was the forerunner of multi-racing) 

The boat looks sound......

........but the electronics need attention.........

.......even though they are definitely more recent than the boat. The Decaperm motor might be contemporary.


Twin cylinder steam engine

for  paddle boat by Ken H 


These must be the 3 wise men!

Happy New Year's Boating

John K

See Previous Newsletter